Fair Work Statement


Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop is committed to the Scottish Government’s Fair Work First policy.

We pay the real Living Wage; do not use zero-hour contracts and do not use fire and re-hire processes.

We care about the well-being of our Team, appreciate the contribution that everyone makes to the organisation and want the rewards and conditions of employment to be fair.

We want work to be a positive part of the Team’s lives and for there to be a good work-life balance.

ESW is committed to advancing Fair Work First through:

Effective Voice 

  • Prioritisation of an iterative and responsive approach to team learning  where Team Members regularly share learning from day-to-day work and apply this to solve problems and improve systems.
  • Promotion of openness to different viewpoints. 
  • All Team monthly meetings to discuss important organisational projects, share longer term workload and planning, how we are going to work together and  share each other’s learning from  training.
  • Smaller Sub Team meetings at more frequent intervals to check in with colleagues working closely on specific areas, developing ideas to proposal stage before piloting or sharing with whole Team for information, review, discussion.
  • Board and Team discussion and tour days, providing the opportunity for dialogue and to increase familiarity and understanding within the organisation.
  • Director open door approach, contact any time.
  • Annual Individual Meetings, to review past year and work on future strategies together.
  • Diary Meetings, 4 days a week, to share what we are working on and be aware of who we are welcoming in that day.
  • Anonymous Surveys, Team have been included in some ESW Member online surveys to test interest in and draw out comments on important areas of operation and context.
  • Policies and Procedures in place such as Complaint and Grievance Procedures; Whistle Blowing Policy, Harassment Policy, Safeguarding Policy.


  • As a small team of 6.5 FTE hours across 10 team members, there is limited potential for career progression in terms of promotion within the team so we focus on creating development opportunities for people within their ongoing roles including providing opportunities to connect and have experiences outside of the organisation.


  • All Team Members have a very active role within the organisation and are involved in multiple facets of our activity in order that there is a holistic understanding of the impact that their work has.


  • ESW aims to achieve financial sustainability to provide job security, fair pay and terms and conditions of employment for staff.
  • Pay the Real Living Wage.
  • Review policies to ensure that they support all aspects of Fair Work (in collaboration with Scotland’s Workshops).
  • Seek to enhance staff terms and conditions above statutory minimum  subject to affordability ,
  • Review the use of freelance contracts where appropriate.
  • ESW does not use, or issue zero-hour contracts and opposes the use of fire and rehire practice.


  • We work in collaboration with many partners and participants including Members and this means that we need to have a strong sense of respect on all sides. ESW recognises dignity at work to mean being free to work without experiencing, bullying, harassment, discrimination or victimisation.