Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop’s Studio Community

We have 24 Studios, with options for solo or shared occupancy, and Project Spaces available to accommodate up to 15 artists at any time. 

Studios offered on a shared basis allows us to accommodate more artists, and studio share monthly rent cost is lower, while still giving all the same benefits.

(Scroll to bottom of page for full Project Space information and application form)


Our Studios offer is designed to support artists at different stages in their careers and to ensure a range of experience, skills and connections are fostered within the studio community.

Please sign up to our public mailing list to receive news and open calls in respect to studios at ESW.

Enquiries and applications for Studios are welcomed at any time from professional artists working within contemporary sculpture practice. Artists meeting the Criteria for Selection below are eligible to apply.

Selection is by panel comprising people working within the arts or from ESW’s Board.

We welcome applications from groups under-represented at ESW.

If you have any questions, please contact Lynn Cowan in the first instance: lynn@edinburghsculpture.org


To Apply

Please read through the information below, then download and complete the relevant application form:

For Current Call for Applications (April-June 2024): Studio and Graduate Studio Application Form

Studio Application Form

Graduate Studio Application Form

Submit your completed application form with your CV, a PDF of an Artist Statement and 8 images of your work to Lynn Cowan who administers the studio system for ESW: lynn@edinburghsculpture.org.

Email limit is 10mb so you can also Dropbox or WeTransfer the files.

Applications are reviewed and selection panels managed by Laura Simpson, Director.


Types of Studio Lease

Fixed Term: 5 years
Short Term: 3 years

Prices, From 1 April 2023:

Monthly rate: Solo – £159      2 sharing – £112 (per person)
(Plus monthly membership: £5.00 (£4.00 Concession))
Refundable Space Deposit: £99


Graduate Studios (2 sharing): up to 3 years, there are 4 studio shares

Artists who are within three years of graduating from a UK College or University can apply to the Graduate Support Scheme giving them a reduced rate, shared studio for up to three years.

Prices, from 1 April 2023:

Monthly rate: 2 sharing: Year 1 – £91   Year 2 – £98   Year 3 – £105
(Plus monthly Concession Membership £4 per month)
Refundable Space Deposit: £99

Studio Holder Benefits

Studio Holders have access to the workshops and research facilities, as well as 24 hour access to their custom built studios.

  • Studio dimensions approx. 16m²
  • Studio heat, light and power and included within the rental cost
  • 24 hour access, 365 days a year
  • Opportunities to book spaces for talks, presentations or events that may support Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop’s professional education or research programmes
  • Free access to use shared workshops and workspaces – no Session charge, machine costs apply, with booking via the online booking system (subject to availability via the online booking system and around ESW’s programmed activities)
  • Opportunities to apply for ESW’s Members Rep positions
  • Use of ESW kilns at reduced rate (no daily charge, electrical units only), with booking via the Office
  • Reduced rates for training, and free inductions (no Session fee, machine charge applies)
  • Opportunities to meet with visiting selectors and curators
  • Opportunity to participate in events such as Doors Open Day / Open Studios

Studio Selection and Management

We select artists at different stages in their careers to ensure a range of experience, skills and contacts within the Studio community.

Studio selection is by an independent panel who all review the applications against the published criteria and their scores are aggregated to produce the result.

The current studio reviewers are all practicing artists who have known ESW for a long time. One is a ceramic sculptor with extensive training in industrial and artistic making who has been involved in shared studios and workshops in Scotland; another is an artist and lecturer who has current knowledge of the needs of artists at the start of their career and lives in the north of Edinburgh; the third is an artist and ESW board member who has experience within international exhibition, art theory and education.

In return for subsidised support, Studio Holders are asked to make an in-kind contribution to Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop. Ways in which this contribution can be made are described below and Studio Holders are trusted to fulfil this obligation on an annual basis.

It is a requirement that Studio holders must be Members of Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop throughout the term of their Licence.

Studios are not available to undergraduate students in full-time education.

Artists can apply to sub-let their studio, usually for a maximum of up to one year, for a range of professional and personal reasons. Sub-lets will be added as an Extension onto the end of the Licence, and Membership must be maintained throughout the sub-let and Licence term. Sub-lets are arranged through ESW, however cannot be guaranteed. Conditions apply.


Only artists who have satisfied a rigorous selection procedure reflecting the quality of their work and its place within contemporary sculpture practice, as well as their need for a studio, are offered spaces.

Applicants must also be able to demonstrate their commitment to a significant level of usage during their tenure of a studio.

There is a focus on artists working within contemporary sculpture practice, but we accept applications from artists working in a range of media and different disciplines.

A limited number of studios may be available, from time to time, for applicants working within the Creative Industries (defined for our purposes as architecture, crafts, design, film, music, performing arts, publishing, and media). Any Creative Industry tenants should be able to demonstrate the benefit of their practice to Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop’s activity.

Criteria for Selection

Applicants should be able to demonstrate:

  • A high quality of work
  • Skills of a high standard
  • Their work is located within contemporary sculpture practice
  • An engagement with audiences and/or participants
  • A clear vision for the development of their work
  • Need for studio space that will be used on a regular basis and to its full potential
  • A willingness to engage in peer or professional development and the exchange or transfer of knowledge
  • How working at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop will benefit their practice
  • How they will actively contribute to Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop activities

Studio Holders’ Contribution

Part of being a Studio Holder at ESW is making a contribution to the operation and community here. This model has been developed to:

–  Help ESW be sustainable economically and maintain high subsidy levels
–  Foreground ways to make a difference individually as a stakeholder
–  Keep a high level of conversation, interaction and engagement going

The Studio Holder’s contribution is to support the following types of activity each year. Examples below, but other suggestions welcome.

Contribute to a Community of Skills:

  • Give a talk about your practice, as part of ESW’s programme
  • Participate in ESW’s Member-led research programme
  • Act as a mentor for students or involve students in your practice
  • Assist the Technical Team with workshop management, e.g. rationalising of space, maintenance, group work days
  • Skills share with other ESW-based artists – providing technical support or advice for members and users
  • Teach on ESW’s Learning Programme (paid positions)

Contribute to ESW’s strategic development and profile-raising:

  • Undertake ESW Members’ Representative role
  • When relevant, credit ESW on exhibition or commission publicity material
  • Input into focus groups and take part in group events at ESW
  • Act as an ambassador for ESW when travelling/exhibiting abroad
  • Initiate links with other national or international arts organisations
  • Feedback to staff on ways to improve ESW facilities and activities

Contribution to the wider community outside of ESW

  • Suggest new audiences for ESW to target
  • Volunteer to assist with open days and public events at ESW (at least one event per year) OR agree to open your studio for visitors to ESW and discuss your work informally (at least once a year)
  • Propose ESW as the location for partnership project
  • Suggest appropriate new sponsors, funders and partners


A range of Project Spaces is available to suit all types of sculptural projects, in the Bill Scott Sculpture Centre and Creative Laboratories. These offer 24 hour access, free wifi and all other Studio Holder benefits.

Artists can apply to work in any one of these spaces for periods of one to six months (with Follow-On Licences possible, dependent on availability), and we operate a strict first-in, first-out rotation.

Please note that these spaces are in high demand and often fully occupied – please submit your application with as much notice as possible.

It is recommended that you discuss your project with Lynn Cowan before applying as there are set guidelines for use, and also with the Technical Team.

All applications are submitted to Lynn Cowan, Front of House Manager and reviewed with Laura Simpson, Director.

In the Bill Scott Sculpture Centre:

Workshops Project Space

Located in the Bill Scott Sculpture Centre at the Workshops Level, giving easy access to the Wood, Metal, Ceramics and Plaster Workshops, and with a shared sink.

Divided into 4 quadrants.
Can accommodate up to 4 artists.
Workshops Project Space quadrant dimensions: approx 14m².

If you need more than one quadrant please include this on your application form and give as much notice as possible.

Paolozzi Project Space

Located in the Bill Scott Sculpture Centre at the Workshops Level, giving easy access to the Wood, Metal, Ceramics and Plaster Workshops.

Divided into 4 quadrants.
Can accommodate up to 4 artists.
Paolozzi Project Space quadrant dimensions: approx 14m².

If you need more than one quadrant please include this on your application form and give as much notice as possible.

In the Creative Laboratories

Labs Project Space

Located beside the courtyard, with great natural light.

Divided into 4 quadrants.
Can accommodate up to 4 artists.
Labs Project Space quadrant dimensions: approx 14m².

If you need more than one quadrant please include this on your application form and give as much notice as possible.

Courtyard Project Space

A single Project Space located in the Creative Laboratories, in one of the Bays beside the Courtyard, offering a small workspace room and dedicated outdoor work area with workbench.

Can accommodate 1 artist.
Dimensions: 3.9m x 3.9m

Project Space Charges

Monthly rate: £112 (per person)
(Plus ESW Membership – which can be taken out as Annual £60 (£48 Concession), or Monthly – £5.00 (£4.00 Concession) per month
Refundable Deposit: £49


To Apply

Download and complete the application form:

ESW Project Spaces Application Form (2024)

Submit your completed application form with your CV, a PDF of an Artist Statement and 8 images of your work, in a single PDF, to Lynn Cowan (Front of House Manager): lynn@edinburghsculpture.org.

Please note that links to websites or online storage systems are not accepted.

Applications are reviewed with Laura Simpson, Director.

Images, from top: Eric Schumacher in standard Studio; Oana Stanciu during studio visit in standard Studio; Sebastian Thomas’ space in Paolozzi Project Space; view of standard Studio showing Andrew Gannon’s work.