Edward Frizzell Announced as ESW’s New Chair
Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop is pleased to announce the appointment of Edward Frizzell as our new Chair of the board of Trustees. Eddie has a wealth of experience leading organisations and joins our excellent team of existing Trustees: Duncan Bremner, Georgina Bulkely, Kate Davis, Graeme Dickson, Steven Doherty, Zoë Fothergill, Mairi Lafferty, Dr Julian Luxford, John Matheson and Kathlyn McKellar.
Eddie studied history and political economy at the University of Glasgow. He worked as an economist for some years before joining the then Scottish Office (now Scottish Government) in 1976. Following a spell dealing with agriculture and fisheries and a secondment to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in Brussels he served in a number of roles, including Director of Scotland’s inward investment agency, Chief Executive of the Scottish Prison Service, and – after Devolution in 1999 – Head (Director General) of the Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning Department.
He has wide experience of governance, as Chair of Court at Abertay University Dundee, Chair of Trustees of Trefoil House, a charity helping disadvantaged young people, Vice-Chair of the Scottish Ambulance Service, an independent member of the Audit Committee of the English prison service, and a co-opted member of the Audit Committee of Edinburgh College of Art. He was for 10 years an Honorary Professor at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh.
Eddie has kept up his life long interest in art as a Friend of the National Galleries, and by taking part in evening classes in drawing, painting and sculpture at Edinburgh College of Art and elsewhere.