Scoping Trip to Canada and USA
Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop’s Director, undertook a scoping visit to Canada and the USA during the final two weeks of February 2020. This trip was hosted by the extraordinary Fonderie Darling in Montreal and comes out of a developing relationship, which saw Fonderie Darling’s Founder and Director, Caroline Andrieux, come to Scotland as part of the Momentum Visual Arts Delegation in summer 2019, timed to coincide with the Edinburgh Art Festival. The two organisations wish to develop a residency exchange for artists living in Scotland and Quebec and the initial trips have been supported by the British Council and Creative Scotland.
Simpson’s trip focused around nine days in residence at Fonderie Darling alongside several other residents and studio holders. Through a structured schedule of museum, gallery and studio visits she was able to get an excellent insight into the art scene in Montreal and to better understand the Quebecois and Canadian approach to artist development, commissioning and engagement activity by speaking to artists, curators and organisers.