Two Residency Opportunities in Japan with ARCUS Project and TOKAS – NOW CLOSED
Two residency opportunities are currently open for artists and curators to apply to at ARCUS Project, Ibaraki and Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS), Tokyo. Deadline is 26 August 2019, 5pm
Between 2019 and 2020 Cove Park, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop (ESW) and Hospitalfield have been collaborating with a number of partners in Japan (AIT, TOKAS and ARCUS project) to deliver a new residency exchange programme for artists, makers/designers and curators based in Scotland and in Japan. This programme, supported by British Council Scotland and Creative Scotland, the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation and the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, takes place over two years, marking the British Council’s UK/Japan 2019/2020 Season of Culture and the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.
Cove Park, ESW and Hospitalfield are three of Scotland’s leading residency organisations and production facilities, creating opportunities for both national and international artists to develop new work within supportive and inspiring contexts. The partners we are working with in Japan for the second phase of the project are: TOKAS and ARCUS Project. These organisations share our commitment to enabling research, supporting the development of new work and creating residencies for national and international artists that will enable cultural exchange and lead to new projects, opportunities and partnerships
The residencies taking place over 2019 and 2020 will be awarded following an open call application process. The partner organisations will be involved in the appointment of the participating artists.
OPEN CALL for two Scotland based Artists
Scotland/Japan Residency Exchange Programme 2020
Application Deadline for both residencies: 26 August 2019, 5pm
ARCUS, Ibaraki, in collaboration with Hospitalfield
ARCUS residency period: 1 month 1 – 28 February 2020
Eligibility: Scotland-based visual art practitioner with an interest in the ‘curatorial’.
Places: One
Visit Hospitalfield’s website for more detailed information about the residency at ARCUS.
Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS), Tokyo, in collaboration with Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop
TOKAS residency period: 2 months 21 May-20 July 2020
Eligibility: Scotland-based visual artist
Places: One
Detailed information: Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS), Tokyo, in collaboration with Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop
TOKAS Residency Period: 2 months 21 May – 20 July 2020
Eligibility: Scotland-based visual artist
Places: One
Dates: The residency is between 21 May–20 July 2020, with a TOKAS Open Studio Presentation anticipated between 17-19 July 2020.
Travel: The project will meet the costs of return flights from Scotland to Tokyo.
Accommodation and Workspace: The artist will be provided with accommodation, including bathroom and kitchenette (this residency is self-catering). A shared studio will also be provided at TOKAS. The artist will receive research support from staff at TOKAS.
Bursary: The artist will receive a bursary of £2000. It is anticipated that this bursary will cover food subsistence, internal travel in Japan for research and materials/research costs. The artist will be responsible for paying their own tax and national insurance.
Selection Criteria and Application Process
Applicants must be able to commit to a residency on the dates noted and be willing to participate in TOKAS’s public Open Studio 17-19 July 2020.
Artists at ‘emerging’ or ‘mid-level’ in their career are encouraged to apply. However, you should not currently be in full or part-time education. The applications will be assessed on the artist’s past accomplishments; their reason for applying to the programme; the potential for connecting with the TOKAS community; artistic merit of the proposed project and the potential for artistic growth.
Your application should include:
- Your CV (including name, nationality, dates and place of study, and current place of residence)
- A statement about your practice maximum 500 words, summarising your current practice
- Activity Plan for the Residency, the reasons for your interest in this residency and what you would hope to achieve through it. Maximum 500 words
- Documentation of your work: a maximum of 10 images, each with caption and credit info, provided in a single PDF not bigger than 10MB.
Please submit your application for the TOKAS / ESW Residency through the Submittable Form on Hospitalfield’s website by 5pm, Monday 26 August 2019.
The selection panel will include representatives from ARCUS, TOKAS and the partner organisations in Scotland: Cove Park, ESW and Hospitalfield.
Applicants to the TOKAS, residency in collaboration with Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop will be notified of the outcome of their submission by Monday 6 January 2020.
If you have any specific questions relating to this programme, please contact:
Lesley Young (Programme Coordinator, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop):