Jessica Gogan

22 October – 22 November 2015

Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop welcomes writer and curator Jessica Gogan, the second of this year’s Researchers in Art Writing. The one-month residency will give her the chance to develop her work and run an iteration of her on-going collective writing lab Crabs and Butterflies: Uncertain Situations and Precarious In-betweens.

Jessica Gogan is an independent curator and educator. She is Director of Instituto MESA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and co-editor of the Institute’s bilingual digital periodical Revista MESA. Jessica is also a PhD candidate in Art History at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, where her research focuses on affinities of social art practices, curatorship and alternative pedagogy in Brazil.

Jessica Gogan is a recipient of the Edinburgh College of Art/Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop Research Residency in Art Writing bursary.

Edinburgh College of Art in partnership with Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop offers two individuals each year the opportunity to focus intensively on their own work for a one-month period in a studio at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop. The Research Residency in Art Writing demonstrates the aims of both Edinburgh College of Art and Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop to promote critical inquiry through scholarly research, learning, teaching and education through practice-based research.

Residencies are open to national and international, emerging and established art writers, working in an expanded field.