PULANG (Going Back Home)

Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop is delighted to be part of this research project initiated by the Indonesian organisation Area Olah Karya.

Hybrid talk on Sangurran Inscription
Wednesday April 5
16.00 – 17.30 Indonesia
10.00 – 11.30 U.K.

This talk will cover the research activity to date on the Sangurran Inscription a 10th century carved stone taken from Indonesia to Scotland at the beginning of the 19th century.


Rizki Lazuardi


Buda Adi Nugroho (Area Olah Karya, Indonesia)

Dan Brown (Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Scotland)

Tisa Granicia (Area Olah Karya, Indonesia)

Wiyoga Muhardanto (Area Olah Karya, Indonesia)

Join on zoom


Meeting ID 915496734

Passcode 987779