Sculpture Saturdays Review
Over the month of August we ran a series of free family drop-in workshops every Saturday in our Courtyard and Outdoor Learning Studio. These workshops were designed for children & families to make and play together and to provide time and space where they could experiment with materials, work things out, try, fail and share in a collaborative and playful environment.
Each week had a different theme and we worked with the recycling, air drying clay, wood off-cuts and had basic hand tools available.
Week 1 The Banquet
Families were invited to make food for our Banquet table from non-edible materials.
‘I really loved being able to be outside on a rainy Saturday making with my child.’
Week 2 The Boat Show
For the Boat Show se had a series of prompts, a paddling pool and recycling for people to make boats and set them sail on the water.
‘It was very relaxed, friendly and there were lots of materials to play with. The set up is great, supportive and with just enough prompting using precedents and fairly open brief. Two hours disappeared in a flash- very good for the head/mind and as a way to play together as a family.’
Week 3 The Games Gala
We invited artist Bernie Reid to make ‘Trash Cat’ a maze ball game for people to play during the workshop and set up a coconut shy where you could make and knock down sculptures. Families were also encouraged to make their own games and play test them.
‘We loved the warm welcome from the hosts, the fabulous materials, the imaginative creative prompts, the invitations to be playful, the wonderful work of other families and the freedom to go at your own pace and in your own direction.’
Week 4 The Air Show
The Air Show had an impressive range of responses to the air show including mobiles, wind chimes, an aeroplane car transporter, UFO’s, a parachutist, an alien disco, rockets, a dog all suspended in the air.
‘The air show was a great concept, great range of materials and lovely staff.’
Alongside the workshops we also set up an interactive animation station designed as a place to make animations during people’s visit. This was sitting adjacent to artist Adam Lewis Jacob’s exhibition, tense, which was presented at ESW as part of Edinburgh Art Festival 2023.
To see more animations made by children and families during the workshops see here.