Annie Campbell: Cluster, until 2 November 2019
Research Space, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop
Until 2 November
Tuesday – Saturday 9.30am – 5.00pm
Reach Scotland Resident Annie Campbell presents her work in progress and experiments in ceramic and mixed media, made during her residency at ESW over the summer of 2019.
Annie B. Campbell is an American sculptor on sabbatical from Auburn University in Alabama where she is an Assistant Professor of Fine Art in ceramics. She has been in residence at the Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop since July. Her current ceramic and mixed media sculpture addresses environmental degradation using a visual vocabulary inspired by neurology. For the last 15 years, she used tree structures to symbolize the broken relationship between humans and nature, including specific fossil fuel disasters in North America. But then a life-altering event changed the visual direction of her work.
In 2016 her son was born with a rare neurological condition that sent her down a path of research involving seizures, neuro-plasticity, and a general study of brain structures. Since arriving in Edinburgh, she has been developing a body of work inspired by the drawings of Spanish neurologist Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1034). Due to his great artistic abilities, Cajal’s illustrations are still considered to be some of the best representations of microscopic brain structures.
Artist Talk and Preview: Monday 28 October, 6.00 – 8.00pm